Wednesday 10 September 2014

It's pretty hard to stay motivated when you're always doing The Hokey Pokey with your goal!

A major topic these days at meetings is motivation, or lack there of.  As anyone who comes to a meeting that I lead knows, I like to use the great pearls of wisdom I borrow from successful people to motivate and inspire us into meaningful conversation.  Last week someone asked me, "How do you stay motivated to stay on plan?"....and I have to tell you, I was stumped for a second!  I was stumped for an automatic answer because I have been motivated to lose weight for sooooo long, 43 years to be exact, that it is ingrained in me to never give up and always jump back on the next wagon. 

Thankfully ,(whew!) I did have an answer, and it was:
"I keep my weight loss goal front and center at ALL TIMES...
I fit my life into Weight Watchers, not Weight Watchers into my life." 

When Weight Watchers is just one of the many things that you do, how easy does it  fall to the bottom of your daily list?  Very freakin' easy, right? We all have many parts of our lives that demand our attention and demand to be at the top of our list.  So here's the question: If Weight Watchers is simply on your list, what chance does it have of ever being at the top of your list when it has to compete with jobs, family, household chores, social commitments etc?  That's right...slim to none  most days. :(

But if you make Weight Watchers the center from which the rest of your day flows, your choices will automatically be different.  They will be different because you are making the choices as a Weight Watcher, not just as someone who goes to Weight Watchers.  See the difference?  "I go" to Weight Watchers or "I am" a Weight Watcher....which one are you?

Believe it or not, it's actually easier when you live it because it takes a lot of the dabbling out of it. It's kinda like The Hokey-Pokey..."you put your left foot in, you put your left foot out"....which means sometimes you're in and sometimes you're out.... and that's called dabbling.  And dabbling never allows you to swing into your own personal high gear and, here's the thing Peeps.... it's those moments of personal high gear that keep you motivated!  They motivate you because you created them and you own them!

We can certainly can an "aha" and be momentarily super motivated by the words and actions of those around us BUT lasting Dear-Lord-get-me-through-the-weekend motivation must come from within!  And I believe the best way to get, and more importantly to stay, motivated is to live it, live it, live it, until you know no other way to live!

Stop dabbling...Live your goal everyday
and you'll see how successful you can be!

And remember, it's called a lifestyle 
because it is the style in which you live!

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