Tuesday 27 January 2015

You are what you eat. I used to be sugar.

This not only cracks me up but is very true.  We need to stop pretending that eating on Plan a couple of days a week will do the trick....it won't!  And our bodies are trying to tell us just that and here's how: we're tired, we're overweight, we're not sleeping, we have hot flashes, we have mood swings, we're unmotivated, we're irritable, we're depressed, we're achy, and to top it all off, we're bloated!

It's really simple: 
You are what you eat, if you eat crap, you'll feel like crap.


Anonymous said...

Love this! I look forward to your wise words of wisdom to live by each week.

Joanne Hartman said...

Thanks! I'm always so thankful I can find a cartoon that fits in with what I'm thinking:)