Wednesday 11 February 2015

Knowing what works for you will help you get where you want to be!

Everyone is the same...yet different.  When it comes to weight loss knowing your body and what works for you is key.  Your fellow member may be able to eat 3 servings of bread or potatoes a day and lose weight.  Another member may be able to make an entire pan of brownies and just have one. Your friend may be able to eat 5 fruits a day and continue with an even weight loss. Some members get very little any activity and are still able to lose and/or maintain weight. 

I am like none of those members.  Looking sideways at bread or potatoes makes me gain weight.  I would only make a pan of brownies if I had full intentions of eating the entire one day.  If I eat grapes, watermelon or bananas my weight loss slows down.  If I eat more than 2 fruits a day, my weight loss slows down.  Oh, and let's not forget the 94 % fat free fattens me up nicely!  If I don't walk at least 4 times a week I don't lose weight and if I don't exercise at all I gain weight even if my food intake is right on Plan. Fortunately, I can work some "treats" into my week and still lose weight.  

Accepting "what is" in life, and in weight loss, is one 
of my biggest breakthroughs.

I now know what works for me and have accepted 
what it takes to get me where I want to go. 
Have you?

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