Tuesday 24 February 2015

It's a choice....

If you've been on this weight loss not-so-merry-go-round for any length of time there is a good chance that like me you're pretty fed up with it.  I know that to be true because after last weeks blog many of you told me so!  For us this is a journey on a a good day but battle on so many others. It has consumed our lives for so long that we believe it is our life.  It is not our life, it is a circumstance of our life at this time.  

Of circumstances the Dalai Lama says we can "become increasingly resentful and afraid or we can let them soften us and make us kinder. You always have a choice."

Last week I was resentful.  Not the first time I resented my relationship with food and it probably won't be the last but I do believe I'm getting better at keeping that dragon at bay.  In the past I would have allowed those feelings to fester and grow and feel sorry for myself...all the while cleaning out the fridge and cupboards....and not in a spring cleaning sort of way either!  

I have learned to be kinder to myself regarding my relationship with food.  And guess what?  Once I make the choice to leave resentment-ville my whole being opens up to the ever present possibility of change!  You can do the same with your feelings towards food.  All you gotta do is feed the right wolf.  The choice is yours.

And if you still don't believe this is a mind game, what are your thoughts about yourself and your weight loss journey?  Are they full of anger, resentment and feelings of worthlessness?  Yes?  How's that working for you?  I thought so.  Make the choice right now to feed the right wolf.

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