Wednesday 4 March 2015

Tracking tells your story. All statements made in this blog are just my opinions:)

The most useful tool for losing weight, and keeping it off, is the one many people seem to loath and ignore.  You all know what I'm going to say...."tracking".

When it comes to life, we all have a story.  When it comes to food, we also have a story.  It's a story about a relationship.  A relationship that for some started when we were young and for others seemed to happen when they weren't looking.  No matter how, or when, your relationship with food started, we all ended up in the same boat. We're not happy in the boat and we want to get out but in order to get out we have to change.  We have to change our relationship with food.

I believe to truly change a relationship you first have to be able to see it for what it is...see the pattern, see the strengths, see the weaknesses.  When it comes to changing your relationship with food if you're not writing down everything you eat and drink, how can you possibly truly see it, understand it, then change it? 

Tracking tells your food story.  Maybe you don`t want to see that story on paper?  Maybe if you see it you're scared you will have to own it?  And owning it means accepting the responsibility that your success lies in your hands?  The answer is yup, yup, yup!  But we know those reactions are coming from fear, right?  The reality is knowledge gives you power, acceptance gives you power, tracking gives you power! I'll say it again...."Tracking gives you power!"

I'm not saying you can't reach your weight loss 
goal without tracking....
no wait, that's exactly what I'm saying.   

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