Wednesday 11 March 2015

What I've learned from those who weigh in at goal...week after week, month after month, year after year, after year...

I get such a hopeful charge out of weighing people who've  maintained their goal weight for years. Years!  It makes me so happy and gives me hope.  And the picture below is how I picture them in my head!

I like to pick their brains for pearls of wisdom.  And as you would imagine everyone says about the same thing..."it's fantastic but you have to continue to work at it!" Ummm, no surprise there is there? The other thing they all mention is that they eat good food and very little of it processed, again no surprise.  
And then the key to it all acceptance...they just shrug and say "Well, I accept if that's what it takes to be thin, then that's what I'll do, you don't get something for nothing."  

I know, you're as crushed as I was! Not one person said "Oh, once I lost the weight I could eat whatever I wanted!"  But also, not one person said, "It's not worth it." 

I know we all know this, 
I just thought it was worth repeating....

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