Friday 6 February 2015

When is a gain still a win?

Even though I've walked every day I've had my feet in Hawaii (8000 - 12000 steps each day), I know I've gained a few pounds!  
I have two tells:
1. there's a fold on the right side of my belly fat that "fills" out.
2. I can't feel my side ribs through my back fat.

But,  am happy to report I've had chips just once, (and really they were for medicinal purposes as my stomach was upset), and am having only 2 or 3 beers a day.  Plus only 3 pieces of pie this whole time and 2 of them were in one sitting, so they may count as just one.  Yes??? No?? Ok :)
And, last year I walked maybe 4 times over the two weeks, plus had a large bag of chips each day, plus many bowls of popcorn, plus 5 beers everyday, plus many sweet desserts, plus, plus, plus! 

So I'm giving myself a pat on the back this year knowing that not all wins have to include
 a weight loss.  Some wins are about doing your best and enjoying the moment....
and yes, that's me sitting below our condo enjoying a couple of  beers while watching
 the waves, whales and sea turtles!
Aloha, and see you next week!  

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