Tuesday 16 June 2015

Find people who have what you want and do as they do...they "Just do it!"

One of the the best reasons to attend meetings is that there are people there who have what you want. We know being surrounded by grumpy, cynical, unhappy people has a way of rubbing off on us. So doesn't it stand to reason the opposite is true?  
When we decide to make changes in our lives we very quickly see losing our old habits can sometimes seem impossible.  We think we can't do it.  That's why surrounding ourselves with people who have changed and are continuing to change is vital to our success.  We need to see possibility up close and in action!  We need to soak up some of what they have. 

They themselves started off just like you with the same challenges in front of them.  The difference between moving towards success and standing still (we only fail when we quit!) is the willingness to just do it.  The Nike ad is so simple..."Just do it!".  

If you take the time to come to the meetings, then take a little more time and just do it!  The person sitting next to you who just lost another 5 lbs is just doing it. They know tracking is essential to weight loss so they just do it!  They know exercising is essential to weight loss so they just do it! They know practicing a positive attitude makes the journey easier so they just do it!  They've learned doing what other successful people do helps them be more successful so they just do it!

 Surround yourself with people who have what you want 
and do what they do...
Just do it!

That's what the person who just lost another 5 lbs does.

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