Tuesday 2 June 2015

Tony Robbins says, "Get to know the voices in your head and which ones to follow!"

I don't know about the rest of you but I live in my head waaaaay too much!  I'm trying to get out. 

Tony says, "We rely on our mind for everything — every thought, decision, opinion or idea you can conjure up is thought to come from the mind. But did you know your mind can’t always be trusted? Living inside your head is dangerous. This is where your saboteurs are triggered, and that is when your internal enemies come to light, habitual mind patterns creep in and negative self-talk takes over."

Negative self-talk....sound familiar?
What I've realized most since starting to "notice" my thoughts (about 8 years ago after reading Eckhart Tolle's books) is that my reactions to situations in my life are not mine, they are my Dad's!  My first reaction to most situations is fear.  As I've said in past blogs my Dad is/was a warrior father...always protecting and protection mode starts with the fear of losing something. Unfortunately, when  you come from a place of fear of losing there is little room for joy.  Man, that is a lesson I have learned the hard way!  

I believe fear was the start of my weight problem: my fear of losing affection, acceptance and worthiness needed to be soothed.  I soothed it with food, starvation dieting and excessive exercise...and we all know how that turned out!  

That is exactly what I used to do....and now I don't do that.... quite so much!:)

So, how about your thoughts?  
Are they your thoughts or were they given to you?  What thoughts rule your life? 
And by extension your ability, or inability, to change your relationship with food?
  If they are negative thoughts you've carried in your head since you were a child,
 do you think it's time to let them go and get new ones?
The answer is oh, my good gracious, yes!

How do you do that???  Just start by noticing your thoughts.  Every time you have a negative thought about yourself or a situation ask yourself  "Why do I think this way?"  The answer may surprise you.
Mine did.

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