Monday 22 June 2015

Take ownership of your choices...the difference between "I deserve" and "I decide".

When you think you deserve something, that is a judgement...and here's the thing with judgement...that door swing both ways!  If we make decisions based on what we deem we deserve we place ourselves in the position of constantly judging our worthiness.

For many of us that judgement of deserving often involves food!  For example, a few weeks back our band was away for 3 gigs and I was averaging 19,000 steps a day! Plus on gig days I eat very on plan, just for energy and to keep my stomach settled.  Our last gig was Sunday afternoon and we were being fed at this awesome little 50's diner in Owen Sound.  Normally I do not order fries but during the show, while I was shakin' what my Mama gave me, I was thinking, "After all this shaking, I deserve to have fries for dinner, yay!"  After we placed our drink order, I went to the washroom to wash up and got thinking about what I was going to order, after all, I was really excited about having my own order of fries!!!  Then my own words slammed me in the head, "You deserve fries??"  I didn't deserve to have fries, I decided to have fries, there's a big difference.

Too often I have made decisions based on how deserving I felt that day and usually it stemmed from how my diet was going.  Sure, it was all great when I was on Plan but what about the days when I wasn't?  The days when the wagon showed up at my door and I just didn't get on...was I less deserving on those days?  I guess so, the door of judgement swings both ways, remember? Ever notice judgement always has a string attached and grey areas, right?  Decisions, for the most part, are yes or no.

So, I decided to have fries, not because I deserved them but because I wanted them and decided after shakin' my tail feathers for 3 days, it was a good day to have them!  And they were delicious and judgement free...

How about we stop judging ourselves and basing our life decisions, 
big and small, on them?
You do know your criteria for self judgement comes from others, right?

Wow, while writing this I just realized making decisions based on worthiness really makes everything so much more complicated that it needs to be, I mean in this case after all, 
I was taking about French Fries!

 Ummm, I do that a lot...methinks that's a topic for another blog. :)

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