Tuesday 17 November 2015

Shift your focus and give your poor old brain a rest!

If you're like me, and I know many of you are, you have been trying to loose weight or thinking about loosing weight for what seems like forever!  Maybe it's time to give the old noggin a break.  I'm not saying quit, I'm saying shift your focus.  While still working your plan give your brain a new goal to think about.  
Why not try putting your focus on feeling better?  What do you need to do to "feel better"?  Get more sleep?  Get more activity?  Eat less sugar?  Try a new hobby?  Drink more water?  Drink more booze?  Haha...just seeing if you're paying attention!  
I decided last week I needed to shift my focus from loosing the 10 pounds to get back to goal because for some reason (menopause????) it's not happening and I find myself waking up in the middle of the night thinking about changes I can make to lose it, which really pisses me off!  So, I've been working on shifting my focus.  
Here's what I want: I've felt for a long time that all of my hard work has not be paying off.  I need to feel like my efforts are paying off so I've been focusing on the other ways my efforts are paying off. For example, by not having sugar the dreaded hot flashes, knock wood, have gone away, knock more wood.  I have decided that spending some points on a couple of adult beverages a week makes my life more enjoyable.  I have added more olive oil into my daily diet...took some of my daily protein points (4) over the day and have added some more healthy fat and feel more satisfied.  I have shortened my walks to 30 minutes, my back feels better but am still getting the brain benefits.  I have decided to do more of the little things that make me happy so my husband and I went to lunch and went to a matinee movie on a Thursday (!!) and had some butter laden popcorn, which I hadn't had in years, and loved it!  No guilt, just enjoyed the moment.  I did not feel like a failure, I felt happy and in control. That is a big way my efforts are paying off, my thought patterns are changing.  

So if you've been batting the same goal around and not really getting anywhere maybe give your brain a break and shift your focus.  Shift your thought pattern away from just losing weight and pay attention to another goal for while, something that makes you happy. Who knows?  It just might help you lose weight! :)


Unknown said...

good news! first WW meeting tonight....lovely leader with some great ideas...need an email address so I can share some info ...group is small but were lovely.....greater news down 4 more pounds total 13.4 loss! Next Thursday my second Thanksgiving celebration.....here's hoping I do as well as I did the first time!

Joanne Hartman said...

Wow good news on both the weight loss and finding your Florida group! I have an FB page,
J. Hartman's "If not now, when?" where you can share all the great tips from your new leader. I'd love people to start to connect through this page, maybe you can start us off! I would wish you good luck with Thanksgiving but it's not about luck is it? It's about committing to a plan, you did it once, you can do it again! Just keep 13.4 in your mind! Joanne