Wednesday 11 November 2015

Tired and stressed out...not a good combination!

Am crazy stupid busy at the Theatre now with working on 2016 spring brochure AND getting the media work done for our Christmas panto "Treasure Island" Box Office for tickets 613-395-2100....sorry like I said to Lynda (who is happily settling in for the winter in Florida) I am very tunnel visioned right now!  And tired and stressed which makes me want to eat....and not vegetables!  Zucchini just doesn't cut the mustard as a comfort food.

So what to do?  I've been able to stay on Plan but am sooooo hungry guess my Ghrelin (a hormone produced in the body that stimulates appetite) is on over drive.  I've really turned to the mind over matter aspect of working the Plan because I know there is no amount of comfort food that would turn the stress off...has never worked in the past, why would it now?
I have been drinking spiced up chicken stock and that is surprisingly soothing, and filling. Sometimes I add a teaspoon of olive oil too.  The old chicken soup cure!
I'm making sure to make time to move which is difficult when you think how much more you could finish up in that 45 minutes but I now know my walk will help me be more efficient when I do sit back down.
Let go, accept, and all in good time:  These three thoughts have helped me tremendously, especially when I wake up in the middle of the night and think of all the work I have to do!  With any job, or situation in life, there are certain things that are beyond our control so we shouldn't worry about them...but we do.  "Let go, accept and all in good time" has become my mantra!

I know it works because I'm not stressing about the white hi-lighted bits under all of the words and that I can't get rid of it!  See, it works!

So what's stressing you out?  
What are you worried about? 
How is it affecting you staying on Plan?  
What non-food related practices might help you get through it?

Try these ideas!

and then...

Be productive yet calm...I think I will work on that one!


Unknown said...

Good evening from the are ya'll doing? So no meeting plan yet...think I might change the day to suit my busy schedule. However with limited internet access it is difficult - but I hear the Park is rectifying the issue. Sure hope so since I do miss my weekly catch up with you and the gang. Yes it is sunny and still lovely warm. Gardening every day as my activity and walking. Almost went for a dip in the pool today and floated around as they all do. Illness update turned out to be a visit to the Express Clinic and a week of meds which is completed today. So not exactly on "the plan" with limited intake but think my weight is still under. Miss my weekly visits with you. Please don't work too hard. This will definitely lead to cravings and you know what that means. Big hugs and wish I could share the nice weather xx

Joanne Hartman said...

I hope you can find a meeting soon too Lynda, we know how important they are plus you are one to join in right away so you'll make new WW buddies in no time. Sorry about the clinic trip, at least you can recoup in the is nasty here, damp and windy.Hubby is on a weeks holiday so yesterday we went for lunch and an afternoon movie....a movie during the week day! It felt great to make that decision and just leave work alone. Plus I made the decision to have a beer and some popcorn...the first popcorn in almost 2 years. Yes, it was loaded with butter but my brain needed to make that decision and take a break from always being on plan. But am back at it with my veggie egg white scramble for breakfast! It could be an exciting day today, last week Patricia announced she was just 2lbs away from her 50 lbs!! Whether it's this week or next I know she will be seeing John Lloyd Young next week 50 pounds lighter!Take care Lynda, love hearing from you! Joanne

Unknown said...

So glad to see and hear you are taking out time for "YOU". On plan is wonderful but the treats are always a good thing. Hope you picked a good movie as we pick one sometimes (which is rare) and then it is lousy. The news about Patricia is wonderful. Give her my congratulations. She should be very very proud of herself and I know she will once again enjoy JLY and the great music. I started exercise class and have been gardening every day in the heat. Also I think we have found Line Dancing very close but have to check them out. I hope someone else is taking my place in voice at the meetings and keeping you on your toes. Miss you. Lyn

Unknown said...

Dancing update.....we found a dance class which we attended last night for 2 hours. After 1 hour exercise, 1 hour walk then all the days walking then stepped for 2 hours. Did my Fitbit goal for 2 days in one. Dancing was great and we did Quinte West proud with keeping up with the beginner and intermediate people in the class. Unfortunately USA regulations are different in the American Legion. Smoking is permitted inside the building which will prevent us from returning. Strip down and shower on our return home and lungs filled with yuck! We will keep searching. No WW yet but have not forgotten your reminders and knowledge.

Joanne Hartman said...

Too bad about the smoking indoors. I know it's always a shock the first time we smell it when we go to the States. Even if you don't get dancing it sounds like you will certainly get your activity in. Keep looking for a WW! We went to see new James Bond movie and it was great, we both love action AND I loved my beer at lunch and popcorn at the theatre..and am proud to say not one ounce of guilt..haha. Patricia reached her 50 lbs! Everyone was so excited and many said they had been thinking about her all week, gotta love the support. Remember if you can't find a meeting you can always go to 24/7 Chat. I'm working a shift right now while trying to write this weeks' blog...I had a topic come to me while walking the dog but can't quite remember it! Usually I just start and be the end of it the topic has changed. My brain is really full right now with Theatre stuff and my butt is sore from so much sitting:) And no, no one has taken your "voice" place each person adds their own unique bits, plus you know the Friday group keeps me on my toes... guess that's what makes the meetings so much fun! Take care, love your updates! Joanne