Tuesday 3 November 2015

Some days I got nothin!

Some weeks my blog writes itself, other weeks not so much.  If I'm feeling successful and all fired up about my ever-present-never-ending weight loss journey it just oozes out of my fingers!  But the fact of the matter is for me, just like you, it's work.

-It takes daily commitment and daily application.  
-It takes reminding myself what would happen if I quit.
-It takes acceptance that it's never going to be as easy as it was before I hit 50. 
-It takes listing the other health benefits I tend to forget about.
-It takes looking beyond myself for a change and seeing the big picture.
-It takes being grateful that at this moment in time losing 10 pounds is really my only struggle...because I know that can change in the blink of an eye.
-It takes loving myself as I am right now for there is no future time to love ourselves, there is only now.  I tend to forget that.

So, when I feel I have "nothin'" to write about I think just go back to the basics. 
When you feel you've got "nothin'" just go back to the basics.

The basics gives us perspective.  So,  now I have a topic, this blog is about perspective.


Unknown said...

My weekly update....a mouth of canker sores that are affecting my eating is not a good start.
The good thing is I am not craving anything right now. Will wait a week to attend a meeting and get my bearings. Busy few days and still unpacking but on the bright side...30 degrees and sunny! Will miss my weekly at home.

Joanne Hartman said...

Sorry to just see this now, things are stupid busy at work so am quite tunnel visioned right now! Glad you are there safe and sound and 30 degrees sounds like heaven! One canker sore is painful but a mouth full is horrible...hope you lose weight over it! Let us know how the new meeting goes and be sure to share all the great tips. I miss seeing you and am slightly jealous! :)