Sunday 25 October 2015

Yesterday's junk.

When I started this weight loss journey (this one, not all the other ones before!) I had no idea it would lead me on such a quest for personal peace and happiness.  And I owe every one who sits in one of my meetings a huge thank you because I believe that it is my connection with all of you that is the foundation for my quest.  Your joys are so joyful to me, and your challenges stay in my thoughts.  We are connected.

I was thinking today how our shared experience (the good, the bad, and especially the ugly!) has helped me deal with all of the useless junk I have been carrying around for years.  It reminds me of when I was in my early twenties in Toronto: I moved a lot (11 times in 6 years!) and with every move I carted garbage bags filled with all of my Cosmopolitans and Vogues etc. from place to place.  Did I re-read them...nope, I just kept them,,,yesterday's junk.  I'm not saying magazines are junk but these particular magazines were junk because they had been telling me for years that I was not thin enough, pretty enough and just why I could not get a boyfriend!  Junk.  When I moved to Stirling I begrudgingly left them.

I have finally realized that even though I had dumped the magazines I am still carrying around yesterday's junk, not in garbage bags, even worse, my head.  Another thing I've realized is knowing you're carrying the junk does not get rid of it, you physically and mentally have to put it after day, after day, until it no longer builds up.  I'm not there yet but every time I come home from a meeting my head feels a little lighter and less weighed down by yesterday's junk and I am reminded why we are on this earth.  We are here to connect and help each other.

Are you carrying around yesterday's junk?  
Have you thought about how it weighs you down and keeps you from living your best life?

Let the junk go.  What have you got to lose?  Just junk.

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