Thursday 15 October 2015

Mandarin Buffet update!!

I did it!  No dessert last night at the Mandarin AND for the first time ever, I ate salad at a buffet! Yes, I am claiming a victory in the salad department, even though I covered my plate with lots of greens and then Chinese food on top of it!  Why?  Because I only eat Chinese food once in a while, I eat lots of vegetables every day!


Anonymous said...

We do need to feel treated once in a while but we can not make it a slide which is easy to do. I note you said you are off sugar, does this mean you only eat things that contain no sugar period or is there still a small amount of hidden sugars. That is really a tough one! I had my 3rd blood work to check my A1C still higher than they like but down from last time my biggest change was my fruit and cereal, a lot less! Eat mostly eggs for breakfast and occasionally cereal. My cholesterol and triglycerides could be lower too. You would think after almost four years of ww and weight maintained for 21/2 it would be better. I am thinking some is my genes! DarleneL

Joanne Hartman said...

You're right, trying to go absolutely sugar free is almost impossible but I am aware of it when I use any processed food which I must say is not that often. But of course it's in almost everything isn't it? But my big effort is towards dessert and candy, food where the first ingredient is sugar. But with you even foods that do not have sugar can still mess with your blood and that sucks! It's so tiring but worth the effort because the alternative is always worse. I admire your determination:)