Monday 12 October 2015

I did it!! No sugar!

I'm not sure if I was able to stay sugar-free all weekend because I wanted to prove to myself I could do it or because I told everyone that was my goal and I didn't want to fail!  I think a bit of both.

What did I learn?  I think the biggest lesson was how important it was to make my plan well before the big meals.  For me there is no way I could have resisted at meal time, or rather dessert time, absolutely no way.  
One thing that shocked me was how "easy" (I'm not sure if easy is the right word but it was not hard so...) it was to have my pumpkin mousse and be fine with it and even enjoy it.  I think I enjoyed it even more knowing there was no sugar in it.  Once I took sugar out of my dinner equation and left no room for even a maybe, my brain did not even go into it's usual mental salivating.  And I did it for two meals.  I did have beer.

Other than my first Thanksgiving (although knowing my Mom she probably mashed up some pie and spoon fed it to me:)) this is the first Thanksgiving in 54 years that I did not stuff myself with dessert.  And I did not die!

I'm not saying I'll never have sugar again but I want to get back to goal first because
goal is better than pie.

Well, on to the next challenge...going to the Mandarin Buffet restaurant on Wednesday.  My goal is no sugar and to actually eat a plate of zero's before starting in on the Chinese food.  We've got to take life one meal at a time because have you ever noticed our lives revolve around food???


Unknown said...

Great Big Congratulations! And yup you bet we would be asking you the million dollar question this week! So I too was also successful and I still have some of my 49 pts left! Dining out the night before left me feeling worrisome for the "big meal day". But with a good start to the day and salad lunch I totally enjoyed my TG dinner with mash potatoes and dressing...but alas no dessert or ice cream...enjoyed a 4 oz glass of wine. And today food is NOT in my thoughts. There is hope for all of us.

Joanne Hartman said...

Yay for you Lynda, your planning worked!!! It is quite amazing that when we plan and then also accept that we can't have all, all the time, that it becomes quite manageable. There is indeed hope for us all:)