Tuesday 20 October 2015

My back hurts!

In my efforts to get back to goal this past summer I doubled up on my walking and my back paid the price!  Both my chiropractor and massage therapist (not to mention my husband) just shook their heads..."Why?  You know better!" As this in a chronic condition, yes I do. Plus I sit all day at my computer and forget to get up for hours at a time.  Thank goodness I have to get up to get something to eat!
So, I haven't walked for 2 weeks and my back is getting better but I'm aware I can easily slip back into couch potato status....isn't it maddening how fast that can happen?  So to keep my brain thinking in terms of daily exercise mode I have been on my stationary bike everyday and doing the floor exercises my therapists recommended.  And I've started standing up to work and while standing in place alternate lifting my heels up and down and several times a day just walk down to the basement and back. I keep thinking about the image below and know being a potato is not an option!


Fitness is so much a part of aging well (man I talk a lot about aging well, don't I?  I tend to be like a dog with a bone sometimes!)  And the great thing is that we don't have to take out a gym membership or run a marathon to get the benefits of moving.  I admire the runners but long ago knew that was not for me and have done the gym thing but also not for me.  But I love walking with my boys (1 dog, 1 man) and am hoping that snowshoeing will be as fun as I remember it was last year!

Just to remind you here's what regular exercise can do for you!

Remember it's not about being better than someone else, 
it's about being the best you!

1 comment:

Unknown said...

I have had some of the same problems. After having 2 kids I found it very difficult to get back in the habit of exercising. I used to run a lot, but not so much anymore. I did get one of those standing stations at work, ergonomically correct for a stronger back. I just kick off my heels and stand for most of the day.

Agnes Lawson @ Pain Relief Experts