Wednesday 7 October 2015

My Thanksgiving plan - nix the sugar and heap on the gratitude!

I know what you are thinking, "How can one be grateful without pie for Thanksgiving??"  The answer is, "How will I know if I don't try?".  Maybe I will be super grateful and feel really successful!
Other years I have tried eating lots of turkey and veggies thinking I'd be too full for pie...nope. Would be full enough to have just one piece of pie...nope. The one thing I have not tried is planning before hand to have no sugar.  This is my plan for this year.  I will have some pumpkin custardy dessert topped with some no sugar vanilla Greek yogurt.  I have been sugarless for over 2 months and I really don't want to blow it so that is my plan.  And I plan to be successful.

What is your plan for the weekend?  Have you decided how you're going to navigate all the meals, enjoy and still stay on plan?  Are you going to wing it and think this will be the year you will have just one small piece of dessert?  What will it take to help you feel successful?

Everyone body has a different idea of what will be a successful weekend.  Decide what will mean success for you. Whatever you decide to do, or not do, make sure that it is your plan and not just the outcome of not planning.  The difference will be in how you feel about yourself when the weekend is over.  If you don't plan and just eat whatever you want that could trigger a slide that could throw you off track for days or weeks...we all know how easily that can happen!  But if you truly plan it, have a beginning and ending date, are aware and accepting of the consequences, you are more likely to get back on track Tuesday morning because you will feel successful.  Have a plan.

Remember your goal, remember why you started and 
why you keep going and plan accordingly! 

Happy Thanksgiving!!
I am grateful for each and everyone of you, 
you motivate me to make a plan!


Unknown said... giblets in my gravy.....too funny Jo......packing my smoothie to take away so will start off the days on a good foot.....vegies vegies vegies...I am able to "limit" my sugar to a tiny piece of whatever but will remember your blog in the back of my mind....thanks so much for sharing and your inspiration of great words each week

Joanne Hartman said...

Now that's a great Thanksgiving plan Lynda, just what a Weight Watcher would do:) Enjoy your family time! Joanne