Tuesday 29 September 2015

I have a new goal: I want to age well...how about you?

I've told my 27 year old son many times, "What you do in your 20's, 30's and 40's comes home to roost in your 50's, 60's and 70's".  Pretty profound I think!  Although it covers all parts of life, for this blog it's about health.
When I was young all I thought about was being good enough which meant being thin which meant years of starving on a bad day and being on a very strict diet on a good day.  I have continued with that cycle on and off until I was 54....I'm 54 now.  I'm sad to say that has been my story....at lease my "personal-deep down-nobody knows" story.  Thankfully I have been blessed with so many wonderful gifts in my life that I've always had some balance.  

And now that story is home to roost.  I believe my years of bingeing and depriving myself have caused my body to say "enough"!  I have been diligently working the plan for months and the weight remains the same.  Last week I stopped using my weekly 49...am hoping for results from that change. but I have a feeling it's going to be very slow going and I don't particularly care for slow going!  So I've decided to see this as an opportunity to switch my focus from weight loss to health and personal happiness.  

One of the gifts I've been blessed with so far is good health....knocking wood as I type...and I'd like that to continue.  I've seen some people in my life aging and some of them are remarkable and some of them are tragic.  I want to be remarkable.  I don't want my 20's, 30's and 40's story to be my final story.  

Some of the ways I am updating my story:
1. I have accepted the years I've wasted: it's hard to move forward looking back.
2. I have accepted wasting any more time would mean I've learned nothing
and THAT would be tragic!
3. I've seen how movement or lack of movement can help you be remarkable, 
or tragic, at any age.  I happily move my body every day.  
Nothing fancy, I walk and I stretch.
4. Sugar is my enemy and for me it is an addiction.  
I'm not saying I will never have sugar again but I personally never bring it into my home.  
 I work at making non-sugar food plans when dining out.
5. I'm working on detaching my self worth from the number on the scale. 
Because it has been my story for 45 years this is a major challenge for me. Trying to accomplish that while still wanting the number on the scale to change is delicate work. 
6. I believe the food we put in our bodies can be medicine or it can be poison.  
I choose medicine.
7. Not only do I try to do things that make me happy, I try to do them without guilt.  
Guilt cripples joy.
8.  I let things go.  I know, so much easier said than done!!  

How is your story going to end?  Have you updated it lately?  
What choices will you make today so you will always be remarkable?

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