Wednesday 2 September 2015

Get out of your own way!

I am an expert on this one!  I have set up many road blocks, windows and doors that have kept, and still keep me, from success ALL the time!  Why???  If I knew that I'd be on a book tour right now.

You can hold yourself back by always blaming others or life in general for your misfortunes, never taking responsibility for your own happiness or unhappiness.  We've all done it at one time or another but some of us have that negativity so ingrained in our personalities that we don't even recognize it. We just know we are unhappy and feel unsuccessful.  Could this be you?  Not sure?  Start paying attention to your reactions to others and situations. Do you blame others ALL the time?  Do you never think about the hand you may have had in the situation?  
So let's connect it to weight loss: Do you always find an excuse as to why you're not losing weight?? Too busy?  Kids were home? Stressed out at work?  My spouse buys junk food? No time to exercise? No time to track? If these phrases come out of your mouth or into your head on a regular basis, perhaps you are standing in your way to success by not taking responsibility for your your life and your actions. 

You can also hold yourself back by refusing to accept that you DON'T need to change who you are to be successful.  That is the little nasty habit I've been working forever!  It's the "once I've lost weight I'll good enough" dance.  I'm really sick of it and am working on it!

But I think it's the biggest road block of all because it's tied to the very essence of who we think we are.  It's tied to the most important love of all, self love....and yes, I know, cue the Whitney Houston music, but it's true!  
Again, I'm going to think like my dog James thinks....
" I love everyone and I am super smart, super cute and super Mom says so!

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