Tuesday 24 November 2015

This season, either you do or you don't!

If you do this holiday season what you did last holiday season you will get the same results come January 2016 as you got January 2015 AND a whole year later!  Is that what you want?  No?  Then what are you going to do about it?  And when I say do I mean actually DO!
I've said in our meetings that I'm going to be a hard-ass (well, unfortunately I can only say "hard-ass" in my blog!) this holiday season.  While I do believe there are times a gentle approach yields the best results I don't think this is one of them.  Don't get me wrong, hard-ass does not mean negative, it means a no-nonsense get down to business attitude.  Plan and execute!  
This is what I believe: if you do not create a holiday plan, AND execute that plan, you will quite possibly get to Jan. 2, 2016 gaining some or all of the weight you've worked so hard to lose in 2015. Is that what you want?  Of course not, none of us want that result but some of us get that result.  Why?  Because we didn't make a plan and then, most importantly, work the damn plan!
Ohhhh, I can hear your negative thoughts...."I don't have the will power", "I'm lazy", "I could never follow a plan", "What if I fail?"
How did I hear those negative thoughts?  I heard them because they have been MY negative thoughts too!  Well, no more!  You need to get out of that negative thought pattern rut and change your story.
There is a reason the Nike ad "Just do it" is so successful.  It's simple and clear, if you want success you need to "just do it".  Don't allow your self to fall back on your old excuses, just do it.
Ohhhh, I can hear you again!!!!  I can hear, "Well, that's easy for you but not for me".  Easy?  Oh, it ain't easy for anybody, it's work!  And I will tell you in the beginning it can be hard work because you are changing perhaps a lifetime of ingrained habits, but like anything else in life, the more you work it, the easier it becomes. A successful plan doesn't have to be elaborate or huge, it just has to be and be done.  Plan what you think you are capable of doing this holiday season and then do it.

I've always disliked this quote because I felt it was negative....

but now I think we must really take it in for the truth it is.  
I realize now it is neither negative or positive, 
it is simply the truth.

Plan it and do it.  Just do it.

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