Wednesday 6 April 2016

Be strong, ask for help.

As we grow up, somewhere along the way we start to perceive that asking for help is a sign of weakness.  I think it starts when we first taste a bit of independence and are praised for it so we think staunch self-reliance is the only way to be. Why aren't we taught not only the value of asking for help, but how to ask for help?  I remember teaching my son two very important coping skills: how to apologize with grace and how to ask for help without feeling inadequate.  I taught him because I didn't know how to do myself for a long time.
When it comes to asking for help the "without feeling inadequate" is really important and that's why coming to meetings or talking to other members is so important.  Everyone at your meeting feels the exact same way as you do and knows what you're going through.  You might be nervous about asking for help because it's out of your comfort zone but please, please, never feel inadequate.  You are more than adequate, you just need a little help. And like everything else it gets easier the more you do it!

Some members don't feel inadequate but they fear looking weak.  They are so strong and capable in all facets of their lives but this one.  This one single relationship has the power to cripple them. For those members try to look at asking for help as a sign of strength and taking control.

And sometimes you will be the one who is asked to help. 
See it as a privilege and an honor to give someone hope, advice 
or just empathetic attention.

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