Tuesday 26 April 2016

Love your broken bits.

Do you find yourself mired in the yoyo diet muck?  I have, many times.  And every time it happens I look to what I'm eating and the amount of exercise I'm doing, after all one or both of them must be the culprit right?  Maybe or maybe not so much.

I wouldn't say I'm content with the part of me that's broken but neither am I totally accepting and at peace with it either.  I still yoyo between self love and loathe...but the self loathe times occur less often and pass much more quickly. I attribute that progress to working daily on accepting what is and then being grateful for all of the wonderful things in my life.  When you accept and are grateful self love seems to follow.

So if you are constantly stuck and mired down, constantly struggling to stay on your weight loss plan or any life plan for that matter take a deeper look.  
Are your broken bits dominating your thoughts, therefore your life?  
And if they do, what do you do with those thoughts?  
Ignore them? 
Cry over them? 
Dismiss them? 
Try to convince yourself they are no longer part of you?
Or sink into them as if that's where you belong?  

I can tell you for me none of these tactics work.  It may seem like you are controlling and conquering your broken bits but you're not.  You are just giving them power. It's only through accepting and loving your broken bits will they become powerless over you. They won't disappear, they are part of you, but they will agree to sit down and shut up! Think of them as a pain in the butt relative, they're not going anywhere, and they'll always be around at Christmas, but you accept them and dinner will be over shortly.

If there is a battle going on inside of you and you realize you're content with being broken because that's the way it's always been, try to change your attitude towards those poor bits.  They're not bad or wrong, they're just broken and love and acceptance is the glue. 

If you have no idea what I've been writing about lucky you...be grateful! :)

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