Tuesday 12 April 2016

What would this Weight Watcher do?

I have moments of clarity when I get a taste of what "getting it" is like.  I had a moment this past weekend, and wouldn't you know it involved Nachos and chips, well, Party Mix, to be exact.

My husband and I often go out to eat once on the weekend and usually I stay within my daily + weekly points but this time I had Nachos on the brain and you know what that's like!  I hadn't had Nachos for years, in fact, my husband says he's never seen me order them.  So, I decided I really wanted them...and ordered a LARGE...of course, and it was so HUGE the lady at the next table laughed.  So I asked myself, what would a Weight Watcher do, and then ate just half and took the rest home.  The next morning I had thoughts of tossing them out (along with the extra sour cream the waitress so kindly packed) but just couldn't do it....I really wanted them for breakfast!  Asked myself again, what would a Weight Watcher do, and decided this Weight Watcher would eat just the ones with topping on them and then toss the rest, along with the sour cream. And that's exactly what I did...yay!  You get what a big deal that was for me, right?

I got right back on Plan with my lunch but then in the late afternoon I needed Party Mix, yes, needed, Party Mix. This was not a surprise to me, when I have starchy carbs I always want more starchy carbs!  My husband came home with a large bag of Party Mix which I immediately tore into while watching the last of the "Hunger Games" movies (perfect, don't you think? haha Hunger Games!).  Hubby said he thought we had a raccoon in the house with the rustling of the bag!  But then something happened, I took notice of my level of satiety and realized even though I was just half way through the bag that I was full.  Now I had a dilemma: I was very aware I was incapable of putting them away for next week but I didn't want to just polish them off like I normally would....so what would this Weight Watcher do??  I decided I would pick out the rest of the cheezies, my favourite part, and then throw the rest away.  And that's what I did.  I felt really good about myself. I also felt good knowing that I would get right back on Plan

Then, something happened. 
I felt even better when I realized that I wasn't off  Plan,
because sometimes Nachos and Party Mix are on Plan.
That's what this Weight Watcher thought.

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