Monday 20 April 2015

Baby steps....

I realize some of my blogs can be a little blunt but please believe me that bluntness comes from a place of genuine caring.  I know what possibilities await each and everyone of you and I want so very, very much for you to know it too!  I see struggle and pain, frustration and hopelessness and think what can I say or do to switch the light on??  Hoping you'll see past the number on the scale and finally get that losing the weight is just the beginning, that it's not the final destination on your journey.  

The final destination is to live in a state of peace and love.

I know that sounds very Oprah and Deepak Chopra but it's true! How do I know it's true?  Well, like everyone else I can only speak my truth but I think I'm pretty average so I believe what I feel is universal.  I've felt and lived with struggle, pain, frustration and hopelessness just like you...and I've finally reached a state of peace and self-love.  It may not be every minute of every day but it's always there and I've learned how to bring it back even on the tough days.  How did I reach it?  Baby steps my friends, baby steps! I didn't realize at the time they were baby steps but looking back I see that I never gave up, I kept baby stepping!  I had a two pronged approach: one was practical with food choices and activity, the other was changing my attitude about myself. And here's the kicker...(I wish I had sound effects!)....I would have got to peace much, MUCH faster had I worked harder on the second one.  
My mistake was that I thought the only way to be worthy was to lose weight.  
Sound familiar???

But, thankfully,somewhere along the way it finally sunk in:  You will lose weight and keep it off if change your attitude towards yourself.  Why?  Because when you love yourself and approach each day from the peace self-love gives you will simply WANT make better food and activity choices!  

Isn't it true when we're distracted by doubt, anxiety and fear that we tend to make bad choices? Yup.

So, where do you begin?  How do you change years of conditioning?  
Baby steps, my friends, baby steps. :)

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