Wednesday 15 April 2015

Success requires change.

Ask yourself this question: 
What am I willing to do to be successful at my weight loss goal?"

 Here's what I know, and I think you know it too:  
You can't lose weight (and more importantly, keep it off) if you don't change the habits
 that got you there in the first place.
For me it was changing my habits of eating lots of sugar and starch and
 getting very little exercise.

Here's what I believe:  
I believe those 3 things play a big role in your weight loss challenge too.  I believe you cannot eat fast food 2 or 3 times a week and lose weight.  I believe you must write down everything you eat and drink: how else will you know when you've eaten enough? I believe you must exchange most of your starchy carb choices with non-starchy veggies and lean protein.  I believe, if you are able, you must be active daily. I believe you must make consistent daily efforts to change your habits- two or three days a week are not enough. I believe being grateful and joyful make the journey easier.

I believe if you don't make the changes that lead to being overweight you will continue to 
struggle losing and gaining the same 5 lbs.

                         I believe everything I do is worth it.  
                         I believe it will be the same for you.

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