Wednesday 1 April 2015

Careful with your terminology.

The longer I am involved in the weight loss community, talking to and weighing in my comrades in food addiction the more I hear you all spouting pejorative words about yourselves! (Pejorative: expressing contempt or disapproval.  I heard Maya Angelou use it and had to look it up! Great word.) 

Don't think I'm talking about you??  When was the last time you said you were bad?  Ate like a pig? Said you were lazy?  Said you were stupid?  Thought you were a failure?  Thought you were undeserving of success?  Thought you don't have what it takes to reach your goals?  All those thoughts and words...pejorative!

Remember, where your head goes, your body will follow.  Change your terminology.  If have a day where you eat everything in sight. don't say "I was so bad today", say "I fell off plan today".  If you make a poor decision food wise this weekend, don't say "I'm such a failure, I can't even get through one holiday meal without eating 4 pieces of pie", say "I know 1 piece of pie leads to 3 more but I did it anyway and accept the consequence."  (That's what I will be saying to myself, feel free to use it.)  If you didn't get your walk in today, don't say, "I'm so lazy, no wonder I can't lose weight", say, "I didn't walk today".  Just state the fact, leave the judgement out of it.  

Unless of course you think you'e awesome!
Try being as nice to yourself as you are to your 
dog, cat or grandchild. 

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