Sunday 26 April 2015

You gotta know when to hold 'em, know when to fold 'em, know when to walk away...

I'm sitting in Vegas in my hotel and am singin' Kenny Rogers "The Gambler".  It pops into my head every time I walk through the casino.  I'm not a gambler....with money....I like to say a gamble for me is buying an expensive top I might, or might not, wear...a big gamble!

However, since becoming a WW, I do find I have to "know when to hold 'em, know when to fold 'em, know when to walk away, know when to run" when it comes to workin' the Plan, because being here for 5 days could be disastrous if I didn't!  So here's my weekend in Vegas plan:  the only sweet will be cousin Ricci's wedding cake, no starchy carbs, and a beer for breakfast is totally acceptable while my feet are on US soil.  

My son Glenn and I with my cousin Ricci (white jacket) and his now husband Karl.

Glenn and I with my Dad's sister June, she's Canadian/Vegas which is a fun combination!

My only first cousin, on my Dad's side, Gina with Glenn and I....she is totally Vegas! 

It's been fun, and for the first time in my life I went out to a buffet dinner
 and did not have dessert!  
I knew "when to walk away" well, actually it was more like
 knew not to walk by the dessert bar! :)

Think about all of the times in just one day you make those same decisions.
If you realize you are doing them automatically that means you've change some
 old habits and isn't that exciting??

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