Monday 20 July 2015

So does being grateful for what I have right now mean I have to be grateful even if I'm not able to get back to goal?

If I want to be happy, yes, I guess it does.  

Since my Puerto Rican holiday weight gain (9 pounds in two weeks) 2 1/2 years ago I have only managed to get within 2 lbs of my goal once and it was very short lived. :(

Today I went to my first meeting as a member since reaching goal.  I've been tracking, walking, drinking my water and still losing the weight has been like a cha-cha...two steps forward, 2 steps back!  I've known for some time I needed to go back to being a member so I committed to going...on a Monday no less!  I decided to go on a Monday as a "test" to see if my love/hate relationship with "my number" on the scale has indeed changed. And I think it has!!   I would NEVER have gone on a Monday before as weekends are my "planned indulgence" days and that usually involves more salt and starch than other days, I had my usual breakfast (normally I would skip breakfast until after weigh-in), I did not remove every article of clothing I could, and most important of all... I did not throw myself off the front curb when I saw the number!  In fact I was quite unemotional about it, for once I saw it as a number that told me I took in more calories than I burned and not as yet another failure.

I will admit I have a bit of fear that even sticking to my plan that I might not loose the weight this time.  And that's where my title question comes in "So does being grateful for what I have right now mean I have to be grateful even if I'm not able to get back to goal?"  The answer is still the same...If I want to be happy, then yes, it absolutely does.  I am grateful for the awesome people (you know who you are!!) I've met on this journey, grateful to be healthy and very grateful my relationship with food is approaching normal!  And that really does make me happy!

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