Monday 27 July 2015

Wanting to be someone else is a waste of the person you are....

Well, isn't that little statement the truth!?!  And I'm going to go one step further and say it's a waste of your precious, and limited, time on earth wishing it will happen!  How am I so smart that I know these things?? Because, once again ha, ha, I am my own best science experiment! I have wasted countless, precious, and never to be regained hours wanting and wishing for things to be different.  I was the young 12 year old locked in my room pouring over beauty magazines wishing I was someone else.
Over the years my vanity, fueled by my near non-existent self esteem, lead me to starve myself into a 12 year eating disorder, an uncontrollable sugar addiction and acute gastritis.  And let's not even discuss the number all of that did on my ability to poop! I can say that now without embarrassment because thankfully I am now at an age when I really don't give a shit!!  Ha, ha....
I'd like to say I grew up, became enlightened, discovered the meaning of life and started my journey into well being but nope, not the case!  I had nothing to do with it.  I got pregnant and something inside of me snapped (his name is Glenn) and I went into protective mother-mode. There was no way I was going to do anything to harm an innocent and that started me on my road, a very long road that sometimes took me up a very steep hill and very close to the edge, to recovery.
I was a little heavy as a child but it wasn't until I started to obsess about being someone better that I started to gain weight. Oh, and here's the kicker: thanks to my starvation diets which started in Grade 6, at 18 years old I weighed 125 pounds and had a 22 inch waist....but I thought I was fat.  So then I was...where the mind goes the body follows. 

I find it ironic that this blogs title belongs to Marilyn Monroe, the definition of physical perfection by many standards, and yet, she suffered greatly with low self esteem.  

So where are you in your story?  Are you happy to be you? Yes? Fantastic, you were gifted with one of the essential building blocks for a happy life!  Or are you not so happy being you?  How much of your one and only life have you spent of wanting and wishing to be someone else?  

Not sure how to turn the wanting of what-can-never-be off? Well, like any unhealthy habit it starts with acknowledging it exists. Notice when it comes up in your thoughts and then practice changing the direction of the negative thought to a positive one.  It doesn't have to be deep and philosophical, it just has to positive and honest. 

Don't waste the wonderful person you are
 by wishing you were someone else!


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