Tuesday 14 July 2015

What you do every day matters much more than what you do once in awhile.

Oh boy do I need to believe this.  We just came back from a wonderful weekend away and I not only fell off the wagon, I rolled into the ditch and down the hill!  I am an all or nothing person so, yes, I had at least 6 desserts at Sunday night dinner...but no bread!:)
Three days of eating, and a certain amount of drinking, pretty much what I wanted of course has had it consequences but I'm okay with that because I knew the wagon would pull up in front of my house this morning and I would get on it.  I got on it because getting on the wagon is what I do every day, not just once in a while.  It's a habit I didn't really realize was a habit because it's just what I do.

So take a moment to think about all of the things you do everyday while working toward your goal and give yourself a little pat on the back.  Those little habits are, and will continue to be the backbone of your success!  And if you happen to notice some daily habits that are counterproductive to your success, don't fret, now you know what could be standing in your way!

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